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Generative AI for Managers

AI Leadership

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Elisa Farri

Vice President, Capgemini Invent
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Gabriele Rosani

Director, Capgemini Invent

How to use gen AI to save time, innovate faster, and lead effectively

You’re probably aware that generative AI can output quality text in any style and create stunning images in seconds. But smart managers are using gen AI for much more—business case development, data analysis, strategic exploration, and dozens of other applications. Soon, managers who develop their generative AI capabilities will be leaping ahead of managers who don’t. Fortunately, you can start now and see results fast.

You’ll learn how to:

– Understand key terms and concepts
– Identify the risks and rewards of generative AI
– Enhance your productivity
– Employ gen AI as both a copilot and a co-thinker
– Use the generative AI platform that best suits your needs
– Leverage gen AI for business decisions and leading change

Elisa Farri is a vice president at Capgemini Invent, the strategy and transformation arm of Capgemini Group. Included in the list of management thinkers to watch by Thinkers50, Elisa is an expert on management at the intersection of academia and business. Through ex­ploratory research, thought leadership, and academic collaborations, Elisa bridges the latest management frameworks into practice.  A frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Elisa has extensive experience developing and delivering executive training at leading organizations globally. Previously, Elisa was a researcher at the Harvard Business School Research Center in Paris, France.

Gabriele Rosani is a director at Capgemini Invent, the strategy and transformation arm of Capgemini Group. Esteemed author and frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, Gabriele has been research­ing, designing, and testing new management frame­works and tools for over a decade. Gabriele works at the intersection of strategy, innovation, and sustainability, bringing new management practices to the real world of business for clients. An experienced adviser to For­tune 500 companies, Gabriele previously worked at the European Centre for Strategic Innovation where he discovered his passion for shaping the new frontier of management.

Locations & time
Smedien, Værkmestergade 7, 8000 Aarhus C
16:00 PM - 18:30 PM
November 4, 2024
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AVT Business School, Sankt Annæ Pl. 11, 1250 Copenhagen
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
November 5, 2024
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AVT Business School, Sankt Annæ Pl. 11, 1250 Copenhagen
15:00 PM - 17:30 PM
November 5, 2024
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15:30 PM - 17:30 PM
November 5, 2024
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