Smart Rivals
Feng Zhu
How Innovative Companies Play Games That Tech Giants Can’t Win
Companies are fighting the wrong battle. The consensus has been to learn the best practices from Big Tech and imitate them. But new paths for growth aren’t created by imitation; they’re forged by radical differentiation.
This session will show you how traditional or smaller companies can better compete with Big Tech on their own terms. It will show how to create new competitive advantages by offering product features and benefits that tech giants and other competitors cannot match.
Based on original research and insights gleaned from leaders in a wide range of industries, Smart Rivals will help you find new capabilities that mere imitation could never provide and that will lead to new products, services, strategies, and advantages.
Feng Zhu, MBA Class of 1958 and Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, is an expert on platform strategy, digital transformation, and innovation. He co-directs the Platform Lab at the Digital, Data, and Design Institute at Harvard.